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Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

What Business Are We Really In?

What Business Are We Really In?

Today, Fast Company published an article that absolutely blew my mind. Comunidad Partners, a real estate investment firm that buys apartment communities, renovates them, and manages them, offers its tenants free telehealth services.

Comunidad Partners and its strategic partner, Veritas, has partnered with a Fortune 500 health care provider (they won’t reveal who) for a telehealth contract because they believe that people don’t have to rely on a job to receive health care services. A real estate firm has partnered with a health care provider that otherwise engages with employers only.

At the core of Comunidad Partners is its mission of delivering enhanced multifamily living by providing more than just a home but a LIFESTYLE.

When I read about this, I was reminded of Chipotle who recently launched a makeup collection inspired by ingredients like guacamole and salsa.

We fall in love with what we think we do, instead of what the market wants us to do. Book publishers aren’t in the paper business, any more than Penn Central was in the train business.

What business are we really in? What business does the market want us to be in?

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