Ready. Set. Access.

Market Access Strategic Execution Consultant

Krishna Patel

Freelance Market Access Strategic Content Developer

Pass It On

Pass It On

You don’t have to care for them.

You get to.

Just like the Mother of this Universe gets to care for you.

You Get To

You Get To

‘So what?’ is humanity’s worst enemy.

Don’t become lazy to do all that you’ve been granted the privilege to do.

You’re in charge of much more than you’ve been told.

Create a New Paradigm

Find ways to deliver more of the change you seek to make.

Engage in the marathon with knowledge and care, not laziness and haste.

Beautiful Bravery

Beautiful Bravery

Spring celebrates bravery.

Buds are a mismatch to the bare boughs, but it’s their bravery that makes vegetation possible in the coming weeks.

‘If you’re not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late’ -Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn.

Help Your Future Self

Help Your Future Self

Getting by will get you in trouble.

Help your future self by planting the trees before you need their shade.

Keep Your Promise

Keep Your Promise

Making promises is the easy part; keeping them is hard. That’s why trust is rare around here.

The market belongs to those who embrace the fatigue that accompanies an infinite marathon.

You get to be generous, connect, and lead. You were meant for this.

Unity, Unity, Unity

Unity, Unity, Unity

Insist on unity. It works.

Division against each other inhibits prosperity, wellbeing, safety, and survival.

Unity is not sameness; it’s oneness of purpose.

Become a Legend

Become a Legend

Character is THE most important project.

The Universe generously sends us projects to help us become legendary.

Legends are known for their pride (self-confidence, self-respect, and temperance), brilliance (ascendance over desires, fearless, and sinless), gratitude, tenderness, and humility.

Take Control of What You Have Control Over

Take Control of What You Have Control Over

No need to waste energy complaining about the gust of wind that blew your arrow away from the target.

Don’t worry about it. Victory belongs to you.

Channel all your energy into what you have power over and watch how things fall into place.

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