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Experiment Like Amazon

Experiment Like Amazon

Today STAT published a story about Amazon officially starting its ascent to the national telehealth stage — and its nationwide expansion is putting the rest of the telemedicine industry on notice.

AP provides more details.

This topic is interesting and relevant to market access in SO many ways.

Besides the fact that Amazon is disrupting the health care system right before our very own eyes, it’s important to appreciate the company’s willingness to experiment.

Amazon partnered with Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase 3 years ago to solve America’s problem of high-cost health care system. This sent shock waves throughout the world of health care.

Then, in January 2021 we learned that this joint venture, called Haven, was disbanding and the stakeholders would individually continue to push forward in their efforts. While some considered this venture a failure, the news today suggests otherwise.

Today, we see what Amazon had been up to. I imagine that this is just the beginning.

Ironically, Fast Company wrote about experimentation today itself. The article asserts that leaders should democratize experimentation because their teams are bursting with untapped ideas. They just need tools and the authority to help drive continuous innovation.

It is no exaggeration to say that the fate of the world hangs on experimentation.

If we open our eyes, we’re surrounded by problems. How can we solve them? How can we measure the effectiveness of our proposed solutions? What would change if we decided to avoid experimentation and live with the status quo? Who would step up if we didn’t vote ourselves for this experiment?

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